The only way that we are every able to love one another completely is by being filled with Christ's love. So I just want to spend some time in describing, as much as possible, Christ's love, and how He has made that manifest to us.
You and I are both totally underserving of God's love. With our forefathers Adam and Eve in Paradise, we fell into sin. Through our own disobedience we deliberately disobeyed God and as a consequence of this, we sinful. We are all conceived and born in sin. There is none righteous, no not one (Romans 3:10). The point I want to emphasise here is that MAN sinned. God did not make man sin; He is not the author of sin. But MAN by his own actions, sinned, and He has to bear the punishment.
God, however, is just and righteous; He cannot allow sin to go unpunished - that is why, of ourselves, we are worthy of death. We deserve to go to hell and endure God's eternal wrath against us. For we have sinned. We sinned with Adam in Paradise, and we also sin daily. Our sins are so great and they continually increase the debt that we have to pay. And what is more, we can never even begin to pay this debt ourselves. Why? Because we are sinful, and God HATES sin.
But has God left us in this miserable state? Has He left us alone in our sins? For He very well could say: "Well you sinned, now you have to bear the consequences." And He could just leave it at that. But He didn't, and that is the wonderful message of His LOVE.
While He could have left us in our sins, He chose us to everlasting righteousness. He said: "I want to save you from that sinful state; I want to call you my child, that you may know Me and glorify Me."
Yet there is more to God's love.
God could not leave sin unpunished; His justice and righteousness requires that our sin needs to be paid for. But we cannot pay for our sins, for we are not righteous. One who himself is a sinner cannot pay for his sins, or that of another (HC Ld 5 q/a 14). Therefore, the only candidate to pay for sins, is Jesus Christ.
And so, God sent His only begotten Son into this world, to assume our flesh and blood, and so pay for the sins that we have committed. For He (that is: God) made Him (Christ) who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. (1 Corinthians 5:21)

And there is still more to God's love.
After Christ ascended into heaven, and His work was completed here on earth, He sent His Spirit to live in our hearts. God lives within us! And that is just wonderful when you think about it. God is so near to you. He comforts you, encourages you, strengthens you, and gives you what you need to live as a covenant child of God.
God's love is indeed amazing.
And if He has done all this for you, how much more do you want to go and love your neighbour?