I seek not to give information about myself, or what I'm to be, or my status in life. I seek only to use this blog as an instrument in my journey with God. I want to share with others my experiences and the things I learn to do and not to do, as I grow in my relationship with my heavenly Father.
After recently reading a book, I decided that before I head further in anything in life, whether that be a relationship, or some sort of serious something, that it is necessary for me firmly establish God as No. 1 in my life. Presently, I always find that my thoughts are always far away from God, and the things I do do not bring any glory to his name. At times I'm just going through the motions, I go to church, read my bible and do all the right things but its just that. I'm concerned with other people, their problems and how they affect me, rather than how all that God has done for me affects me. It is for this reason that I have decided to go on a 6 month challenge to bring God to the centre of EVERYTHING in my life. I'm calling it a challenge because for me it is...and I also want to be sure that everyday I work through my devotions, and not just read my bible, but meditate on it, share my thoughts with others and begin to experience what it means to live the word I profess. I want to share my thoughts with others, if anyone cares to listen, and also so that I am somewhat obligated to keep up this challenge.
And its not going to stop after 6 months. That's just the initial part, for you can never stop learning when it comes to God, and faith will never reach the ultimate maturity in this life.
So that's why I'm taking this 6 month journey with God where I learn to place Him in the centre of my life, so that I learn to love Him and His will for my life above all things. I challenge myself to post daily with messages, texts, and just whatever things I learn on my journey to maturity in faith.