It's high time that I started to blog again (someone kindly reminded me the other day), and yes, I am ashamed to have not written in nearly two months. Nevertheless, I will continue on with the blessings, as blessings are new every morning; they don't stop coming.

Today's blessing is PROSPERITY. Now I know that not everyone lives in prosperity, but I do know that most of you who will read this post do live in such a way. You (and I) have free access to a computer and the internet, you have a roof over your head, you have a car in the carport, you have a comfy bed to sleep in at night, you have more than enough food to fill you for three meals a day, you have a reliable savings account, money you can spend when you need something, you have a job, you have books to read, movies to watch, people to love, and people who love you. Now maybe you don't have all these things, or maybe you have these plus more. But in whatever state you are in, just think about all the things that GOD has given you (and I'm sure you should be able to make that list quite long).

But if that list is not so easy to make, start by comparing the comfort of your life to the physical conditions of someone living in East Africa. Life there isn't even half the dream of what we have in our western society. Food is often hard to come by; there is no guarantee of having a solid three meals a day; if there is water, it is often contaminated and dirty - one must walk miles to find clean and suitable drinking water; without an education a sustainable job is difficult to find; if there is a drought (which often happens) the productivity and reliability of a farming job fails; you are lucky if you own a car (and if you do, it would not be the latest model); walking is your main means of transport; and health facilities are few and scantly stocked with essential first aid. These are just some things, but I'm sure there are more I could add to this list.
By now I'm sure you have a good idea of how richly God has blessed you.
Prosperity is a blessing, however, it can also be a curse if we do not accept it in thankfulness. We are God's stewards on this earth, and He has bestowed on us more blessings than we can count. But now it is our task to use these blessings for the benefit and well being of others.
So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another. Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith, or ministry, let us use it in our ministering; he who teaches, in teaching; he who exhorts, in exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness. (Romans 12:5-8)
Here Paul commands his readers to use their spiritual gifts for the well being of their brothers and sisters in Christ, and this equally applies to our physical gifts. God in His grace has bestowed them on us, and out of thankfulness let us use them for others. Then we will understand the true meaning of prosperity as a BLESSING.