Thursday, 28 July 2011

Day 9: Loving unconditionally

When we love someone we usually do it on the basis of something good that they have done to us, or something that we like about that person. We love them, usually because they also love us in return. But what would it be like to give the ultimate sacrifice of love to someone which they could never return, and more often then not that turn away from you instead of towards you. 

Well that is what Christ has done for us. He loves us, not because we turned to God and believed in Him. But He loves us because that is God's good will. We, the subject of His love, are not better than anyone else, we sin and fall short of what God requires of us, and yet, He loves us. And what a blessing it is that we have God's unconditional love. 

But what does this mean for us. We are required to love our neighbour as God has loved us. What does that mean? That we must love him unconditionally. We must love him even if he doesn't return our love. We must show love to him even though he may reject you. This is not easy. Often even the love we show to our 'loved ones' goes unnoticed. Nevertheless we must continue to love them because by loving them we love God. We cannot love God if we do not love our neighbour. 

"If someone says 'I love God,' and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?" (1 John 4:20)

So even though it is hard, very hard, for us to love unconditionally, remember that this is what God has done to you. With this in mind move forward to love your neighbour unconditionally and through the strength of the Holy Spirit you will be enabled to do so. 

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