I'm sure everyone experiences those times in life were you just find yourself sitting dumbfounded because you cannot understand why everything is happening, and you know have no idea what to do about it. There are times where you think you have done everything possible to make a situation better; yet it doesn't get better. Instead, it gets worse. Despite your effort, dedication and love for it all, things just don't turn out how you want them. And you can't understand why.
Why does God 'allow' bad things to happen? Why do loved one's stray from the Word? Why are some people not affected the love and kindness you continually show them? Why don't people 'see' that what they are doing is wrong and try to be better? Why? WHY? WHY? Why is it so hard to understand?
When life seems so hard, and things don't make sense, we need to remember that somethings do make sense. There are some things which are sure and certain. God's promises are sure and never wavering. And when life's problems obscure the way making it hard to understand we can trust in His sure and never failing Word.
God's promises are sure. He has proven Himself to be faithful and He will continue to be faithful. We can trust His word because He is faithful. God promised in Genesis 3:15 after man had fallen into sin, that He would send His Seed to crush the head of the Serpent; to defeat sin forever. And what did He do? He sent His Son, to assume flesh and blood for our sakes, that we may find life with Him. God promised and He was faithful in fulfilling that promise. This is just one promise, but the biggest promise of all. And you, as His child, can reap the benefits of that promise.
So now, when life is but a swirl of unending confusion, or when you can't understand why certain things happen, look up to God and His faithfulness. Say with David: "O Lord GOD, You are God, and Your words are true, and You have promised this goodness to Your servant." (2 Samuel 7:28) Lean on Him, seek His will and His righteousness and He will give you comfort and understanding in your situation. And above all, PRAY. Seek God through prayer with a humble and contrite heart. For He will never turn away. "You make your prayer to Him, and He will hear you." (Job 22:27)
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