Once we start to find an admiration for God's character and many attributes we stand in awe of the many things He does. We can divide the actions of God into two main categories; His works for salvation, and His works of providence.
In looking at God's works of salvation we firstly look back to the things that God has done. There are too many events to list, but they include the flood, the migrations of the patriarchs, the crossing of the Red Sea, the giving of the law at Mt Sinai, the conquest of Canaan, the establishment of the monarchy, the exile, the deliverance from exile, the coming of Christ, His death, and His promised return. When we take a look, and I mean a proper, deep look at these events of the past, we are amazed at the works of God. If we pray about these events and read of them in the bible - if we speak of them in their vivid imagery and feel the event as though you were there - then you will appreciate the wonder of this event, and the wonder of the God who controlled it.
In our own lives today we can also see God's works of salvation. When a someone believes for the first time, or when a Christian receives special help for his/her problem, or even when a new church is instituted we can see these as saving acts of God. If we contemplate on these events, as they also effect us, this will give a valuable dimension to our prayers.
And we can also hold onto the future saving acts of God that He has promised us in His word. We can think of Judgement day, when all those dead will rise again and stand before the judge, when Christ will take to Himself all His chosen ones - these events are yet to come, however, the more we consider them and pray thoughtfully about them, the more we can develop a sense of awe and fascination at those works which God has, does, and will do.
We can also see the work of God in His creation, in the way that He upholds, governs, and preserves this world. Think of Ps 104:1 - Praise the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, you are very great; you are clothed with splendour and majesty. And why is God so great? Because He makes springs pour water into the ravines, it flows between the mountains, They give water to all the beasts of the field, the wild donkeys quench their thirst....and the acts of God continue.
God has done so much, if only we just stop and see that. Take the time to consider all the God has done for you, and what He is doing at this moment in your life. God is always busy and He will always be busy with you and your salvation. We just have to realise this, contemplate this, and mediate on this, so that in so doing we may know how and what to pray to God about. If we are filled with awe and admiration at God's works, then our prayers will be far from bland and lifeless.
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