Friday, 16 September 2011

Day 49: How vast the chasm between us and God

I was reminded in bible study club tonight of the extensive wonders of God's grace. So often we take for granted the fact that we are a christian. Especially since having been born into a Christian family, where my parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents were also all Christians. Having come from a christian background with a rich heritage we sometimes forget the greatness of the grace of God.

We were discussing sins and how do you distinguish between bad sins and BAD sins; or is there no distinction? Will you get punished more for murdering someone, than for stealing a cookie out of the tin? The conclusion we arrived at in our discussion was that we need to remember that God views all sin as sin. Whether we may see them as little or big sins; they are still sins. And sinning is a breach of His commands. It is like comparing stealing out the cookie tin as 1 x infinity (that's how far we have come from God's perfect holiness) and murdering as 2 x infinity. No matter what the sin is, its a sin and God in His perfect holiness absolutely abhors it.

So then, when we consider this, how far we have fallen, and how great that distance is between us, unworthy sinners, and the perfect righteousness of God, all we can do is look to Christ. There is absolutely no way that we of ourselves could EVER bridge that gap between God an us. Ours sins are far to great, and the stock pile of them grows daily.

But not all is lost, for God, in His infinite love and mercy, has sent His Son to bridge that gap, to make it possible to us to have communion and fellowship with God again.

Just sit back and contemplate that for a while.

We, who by our own wilful disobedience fell into sin, through Adam in the garden of Eden, are saved because God, in His good pleasure decided to bestow us with a measure of grace, that we may have Life. Isn't that just a wonderful gift?

And all we have to do is accept this gift with a believing heart? How amazing is that?

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, 
that saved a wretch like me...
I once was lost, but now am found, 
was blind, but now I see.  

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