Monday, 27 August 2012

#4 Blessing of family

In a world where the importance of marriage (between a man and a woman) and family is diminishing it is beneficial to think for a moment how blessed I (and maybe you) are to have a 'real' family.

For me, personally, I am very thankful to have grown up with two parents (a mum and a dad), and what's more is that they are Christians. When I was baptised as an infant Dad and Mum promised to raise me up in the fear of the Lord; they made this promise to all the children in our family. And thus, we have all been/or are being raised up in a Christian family, a family where God is at the centre.

And its such a blessed thing when you realise and understand the beauty of being raised in a Christian family. Not everyone has had this privilege; but if you are someone who has, take some time to thank God.

Thank Him for Christian parents.
Thank Him for giving you a Mum and a Dad
Thank Him for giving you siblings, who have also been brought up as Christians.
Thank Him for giving you parents that bring you up in the fear of God's Name.
Thank Him for giving you a loving environment in which to grow up.
Thank Him for giving you siblings to love and cherish.
Thank Him for giving you people to shelter and care for you as you grow up.
Thank Him for the great times you've had as a family: holiday trips, outings, just fun together at home etc.

These are just some things you can thank God for in relation to your family. I'm sure you could think of more, also ones that may relate to your own family circumstances.

If you can't think of more ways, contrast your family life with someone who has none or very little family. Contrast it with some one who has only one parent (either their mum and dad have split up, or they never had both). Contrast it to an abusive family; contrast it to a family where mum and dad both work and have no time for the kids; contrast it to a family God is not the centre, but greed and materialism dominates the floor instead; contrast it to a family you would not like to be in. And then realise what a blessing your family is.

Take the time to thank God, and tell Him how blessed you are to have a family.

1 comment:

  1. Cinda, I hope you continue to see your family as a wonderful blessing from the Lord. The love that we can share in good times and bad is a great network of support. Treasure it!
    Been watching out for your next blessings....
