Whether we like it or not, we all have weaknesses. We all have things we stumble over in life, things that drag us down, sins that keep on returning even though we try hard to stop them. And if you can't find a weakness in your life, then you need to look harder. Examine your life in the light of God's Word and you will see the darker areas.
The problem, is however, that as humans we are so often proud and do not want to admit to others our weaknesses. We would rather that our friends and family see us as strong people, people who life an upright and godly life, people who would never be tempted through weaknesses. We would rather put a brave face on instead of being honest with our family, friends and ourselves.
However, the greater problem lies in that when we are not honest or open with the people closest to us, we often lack the same honesty with God. If we spend all day trying to convince ourselves and the people around us that everything is OK and that there is nothing we need help with, we are also inclined to take this attitude to God.
But this attitude is wrong! When we come before God in prayer, it must be in humility, with a humble spirit, confessing your sins, and also your weaknesses. We must come to God with all our weaknesses before the Devil brings them to us. Satan knows our weaknesses, he knows the places where we are weak and tend to trip up. He knows where to strike.
But the good news is that you also know Satan's tactics. You know he strikes out at weaknesses. Think of the time when Satan tempted Jesus in the wildnerness. Jesus had not eaten for 40 days, and Satan tempted Jesus with food - Jesus would have surely been hungry. Satan said to Jesus, If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread. (Matt 4:3) Satan tempts: he tempted Jesus and he tempts you and he tempts me, however, Jesus overcame. Jesus did not succumb to Satan's temptations, but rather, He rose above. And His defeat over Satan was final when He rose from the grave on Easter Sunday. He defeated death; He defeated Satan.
What a blessing and comfort it is for us to know that Satan has been defeated. The victory is sure, yet the spiritual battle goes on until Christ returns. Nevertheless, we have the most powerful weapons to turn the devil away. We have God's Word and prayer. Two weapons that go hand in hand. We cannot use one with out the other, but when both are used, they are more powerful than a two-edged sword.

So do not be afraid to tell others about your weaknesses, and above all, come before God in humbleness and tell Him everything. He wants to know, and He wants you to rely on Him. And what better thing is there to do than to rely on the one who supplies us with strength and the weapons to fight the devil.
Always remember: In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. (Rom 8:37)
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