Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Day 14: Blessings and Gifts

What do we do with the things that we have been blessed with? Or do we even realise the extent to which we are blessed?

I would love to go and spend a month or two in a third world country and experience life without its many 'western luxuries'. We have it so good. At least I know I do anyway. I have a car to drive, there is always plenty of food for me in the pantry, and if I need to buy some, there's plenty of money in my bank account. I have a roof over my head, I have a comfy bed to sleep in, I have a loving family with two parents who also love the Lord, I have grandparents who are a constant reminder of what it means to live Christ in my life, I have so, so many blessings. And I've only just listed a few. 

But what do I do with all these blessings. Do I bury them in the ground like the man who received one talent in Matthew 25:18? Or do I work with them and use them for the good of my fellow man?

I think its so much easier to just 'bury our blessings in the ground'. We take them all so much for granted, and to have all these gifts is so easy. Yet is that what God wants us to do with them. Does He expect us to bury them or to work with them and increase their value? 

I think we know what He expects of us. 

But how do we do it? I think firstly we need to show that we are really thankful for the many blessings God has bestowed upon us. We can thank Him in prayer, showing our appreciation and just by acknowledging that God has given us all that we have. We of ourselves haven't earn't a penny of it. That's why we must be so thankful. 

And then once we are thankful for the small things our thankfulness should overflow into the way we interact with others around us. Let that thankfulness rub off on them; share your gifts with them that they may benefit from it and bring honour and glory to our Father in heaven. 

We are so richly blessed and we so often don't know it!

(Matt 25:14-30) The Parable of the Talents

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