By saying, patience is a virtue, we are basically saying that patience is a quality that is desirable in a person; it is considered morally good. But how then are we to have patience, and bear it as a quality of the 'new man' that grows within us.
Firstly we have to understand exactly what patience is. We often tend to think of it in its simplest forms, such as waiting for turn at a game instead of pushing your way first. How often, however, do we think of patience as 'long-suffering'. Long-suffering is showing enduring patience in spite of troubles, especially those caused by other people. If we think of patience in this sense, then we have the perfect example of Christ to follow in this respect. 2 Peter 3:15 tells us to "consider the long-suffering of our Lord as salvation". We can also think of the patience God showed in dealing with the Israelites in the Old Testament. Despite the many times they turned away from Him to serve other gods, He always remembered the covenant; He dealt patiently with them and brought them back. Today we are no different than the Israelites of old, and God continues to remember His covenant, He continues to deal patiently with us.
Now we have been renewed in the Image of God, and in this, we also have to show patience and long-suffering. Following Christ's example, we are to put others before ourselves, to show humility and be willing to serve others, seeking their good first, rather than our own. "Whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave -- just as the Son of Man did not come into the world to be served, but to serve, and give His life as a ransom for many." (Matthew 20:27-28)
Patience is all about considering the 'other' person first before ourselves. Patience does not put ourselves first; it puts our neighbour first. Patience means that we do not get angry with others because of troubles they may have caused us; patience means being able to accept suffering or hardship without getting upset.
Patience is a virtue we all ought to have. At times it is easy to excuse our impatience as a character trait we have. We tend to excuse it, because its just who we are. Some people don't have much patience, and think that this won't change, because that's who they are. But you can change this, and you must change this. Impatience is a sin; it is a characteristic of the old nature we are trying hard to put off. So we must work to have patience in all situations; its not easy, but the Holy Spirit gives us the strength to bear this fruit.
Patience is indeed a wonderful virtue; a fruit of the nature of the 'new man'.
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