Sunday, 28 August 2011

Day 37: Gentleness

Oh....I feel so bad for not posting in the last few days. My excuse would be that I've been incredibly busy, but then, its in those busy times that you really should be spending time meditating on God's word, and being with Him. Hmmm...that's something I should work on...

Anyways, I'm up to gentleness with the Fruits of the Spirit.

Gentleness: mild in temperament or behaviour; kind or tender. That is the definition the dictionary gives to being gentle; but gentleness is so much more than just being 'tender' or 'mild'. The bible often associates gentleness with meekness and humility. The greek word for gentleness denotes the generous spirit that rises above offences; a forbearing spirit. Such a person does not insist on his or her own rights, but seeks the interest and well-being of others.

But why is gentleness of such importance? Why is it a specific fruit of the Spirit, when aren't some people  just more 'gentle' than others; isn't this just a personality trait which some have and other's don't?

Gentleness and meekness, in the spiritual sense, is an attitude of humility and submission towards God. We cannot expect salvation if we are not willing to becomes humble and lay all our sins before Him, knowing that of ourselves we are totally incapable of doing any good. When we come to Him with the humility of little children, when we come to Him knowing that we have nothing to give; only then, once we have humbly laid ourselves at His feet may we receive salvation.

Therefore, it follows that if we submit ourselves to God and His will for our lives, then we must also seek to have a meek and gentle attitude towards our neighbours.

Philippians 4:5 tells us: "Let you gentleness be known to all men." Gentleness is not something which we must keep to ourselves, we must let our gentleness be known. Similarly we have to let others know that we are different in the way that we live. We are citizens of a heavenly kingdom, not this earth, and with this comes the obligation to live as citizens of that kingdom. And what better way is there to show others that we are different by letting our gentleness be made known to them.

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